Our Contract

By ordering any products listed on our website known as www.mohamedm25.sg-host.com (“Website”), you agree that you have read, understand and accept the terms and conditions set forth below. If you do not agree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not order or alternatively, you may contact our customer service officer at info@mohamedm25.sg-host.com for further clarification.

Ordering from BarcaShop

  • When you order our products, you are making an offer to order, which if accepted by us, will result in a binding contract. We reserve the right not to accept or process your order without reason.
  • To place an order with us, you must possess a valid credit / debit card / Paypal issued by a bank acceptable to us.

Products Pricing and Availability

Whilst we try to ensure that all details, descriptions and prices which appear on this Website are accurate, errors (including processing errors) may occur. Despite payment made, if we discover an error in the price or the product which you have ordered is no longer available, we will inform you of this within three (3) working days from the date of order placement and give you the option of reconfirming your order or cancelling it. If we are unable to contact you, we will treat the order as cancelled. If the order is cancelled and you have already paid for the product, you will receive a full refund within seven (7) working days subject to our Refund Policy as set forth below.

  • Our Prices do not include taxes, VAT, or other hidden charges. To ensure you pay minimum tax, we will declare as “gift” with low value.
  • This Website may contain errors or inaccuracies and may not be complete or current. We therefore reserve the right to refuse to fill any orders that you may place based on the erroneous or inaccurate information on the Website, including, without limitation,errors, inaccuracies or out-of-date information regarding pricing, shipping, payment terms, or delivery policies.


  • You undertake that all details you provide to us for the purpose of purchasing the products will be correct, that the credit or debit card, or account or other payment method which you use is your own and that there are sufficient funds or credit facilities to cover the cost of the products. We reserve the right to obtain validation of your payment details before providing you with the products.
  • Kindly fill in the form available at http://vikingveins.com/my-account/ and furnish your personal information to facilitate shipment. We respect your privacy, please view our Privacy Policy which is available at http://vikingveins.com/privacy-policy/ before placing the order.


On our website we use cookies.

Cookies are tiny files that contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive.

They let us understand how you use our site and help us ensure that we provide you with the best and most personalized service we can. Cookies will not affect your computer in any way. The information collected by our cookies is:

• What type of browser and operating system you are using.

• Which site you visit us from.

• What date you visit us.

• How often you visit us.

• How long you stay on our website.

• Which of our pages you visit.Do not worry, none of this information can identify you as an individual. The information is only used to find out how you as a visitor use our website. Cookies have lots of benefits for both you and us.

• They allow us to store information about your preferences so that we can optimize our website for the things you like.

• They make your searches on our website go faster.

• They allow you to make purchases with us.

• They give us more information about how many visitors we have and what you like and do not like on our pages.If you do not want to receive our cookies, you can turn them off in your browser, but note that this will affect how our website works, and you will not be able to make purchases on the site. Otherwise, functionality may be limited so you do not get the best possible experience.If you continue to use our website without changing your settings, we assume you are happy to receive our cookies.